The Letter of an optimistic Queen

Dear you,
This story is about an awkwardly brave queen…awkwardly brave coz’ she conquered lands, beating against all odds but couldn’t conquer her fear of running water…yes; she couldn’t ride past even a stream.
She didn’t want to try battle out that outrageously stupid fear of her until one fine day she took the bull by the horns. She stood before this monstrous-looking river ready to devour her at one wrong gallop of her horse, she imagined.
But this time she’s forced by one of her knights to cross it. She faced it with all her might and indeed, she succeeded.
Finally, she did put an end to her self-created monster (read, self-imposed fear). At least she believed so.
The knight too had a fear of something…something very deep ‘coz it’s been piled up since ages.
The queen asks him to set himself free of that “something” and even fight it, if the need be.
She urges him to live like a child, hop around, and play in the rain…
He doesn’t give in…has his own reasons for it.
But the knight forgot one very important thing he told the queen while she’s trying to kick off her fear.
He said, “One doesn’t quit riding dreading about falling off; who knows, the last shot you didn’t give were to hit the bull’s eye.”
The queen hasn’t quit hoping to see the child in him play in the rain.
The queen.


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